Neon Cube 1.2[Launcher C/AutoUpdate

bom muita gente nao sabe fazer launcher e tals.. entao decidi postar o neoncube ele e um launcher bem antigo e ele e com autoupdate ele baixa os arquivos em rar e extrai eles e so voce configurar ele e trocar as imagens dele e simples

Click this bar to view the original image of 602x600px.

agora Vamos configurar ele
nele vai estar assim abaixo
;################################################# #############################
;## � 2005 Ansell "Cliffe" Cruz (
;## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
;## (at your option) any later version.
;## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;## GNU General Public License for more details.
;## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
;################################################# ##############################

; neoncube.ini
; server_name = Server's name (EG: Korean Ragnarok Online, International Ragnarok Online, mRO, aeRO, etc)
; notice_url = ***ress of the notice (without the http://) (EG:
; patch_url = domain name of the patch server (where the files will be downloaded) (EG:
; patch_list = path to the patchlist text document (EG: /path/to/patchlist.txt)
; executable = the file to be opened when the start game button has been pressed (EG: ragnarok.exe)
; patch_folder = path to the folder which contains the patch files (EG: /path/to/folder/which/contain/patches/)
; registration_link = URL of the registration page (EG:
; grf = grf file (EG: adata.grf)
; skin = skin to use (EG: default_skin)
; Backup_GRF = set to 1 if you want to backup the GRF file before applying the patch. 0 to disable.
; startup_option = Set to 1 if you want to be able to start the ragnarok client anytime. (patcher is still
; downloading files, patcher failed to connect, patcher failed to extract, etc).
; Set to 2 if you want to be able to start the ragnarok client only AFTER the patch process has completed (if it ; ; fails to connect/download a patch, it won't start) .
; set to 3 if you want to be able to start the ragnarok client only AFTER the patch process has completed (if it
; fails to connect/download a patch. it WILL start) . recommended.
; ragexe_call = ragexe call. You may leave it blank.

server_name = Your Server Name

notice_url = localhost

patch_site = localhost

patch_list = /files/patch2.txt

executable = client.exe

patch_folder = /files/

registration_link = ·Î¸Çƽ ȯŸÁö - Ragnarok online -

skin = skin_default

grf_file = adata.grf

Backup_GRF= 1

startup_option = 3

ragexe_call = 1rag1
mais somente nos interessa essa parte
server_name = Your Server Name (O nome do seu servidor).

notice_url = ex: (As noticias que vao aparecer no patch. Nao coloque http:// nem www.).

patch_site = ex: (Site de onde o seu neoncube vai estar).

patch_list = ex: /neoncube/patch2.txt (Aonde estar o patch2.txt . i esse arquivo que o Neoncube vai ler para ver se tem novas atualizações. Mas na frente, explicarei como funciona ele).

executable = ex: Seuhexed.exe (O nome do seu hexed).

patch_folder = /neoncube/ (Nome da pasta do seu webhost que vai se encontrar as atualizaçoes).

registration_link = ·Î¸Çƽ ȯŸÁö - Ragnarok online - (Site para criar uma conta no seu servidor).

skin = skin_default (Nome da pasta do Neoncube que vai estar a sua skin).

grf_file = seuro.grf (Nome da GRF do seu servidor).

Backup_GRF= 1 (Coloque 1 se quiser que toda atualização tenha um backup, coloque 0 para desativar essa opção).

startup_option = 3 (Deixe assim).

ragexe_call = 1rag1 (Deixe assim).
e facil esse launcher serve para qualquer 1 servidor ate grand chase simples O.o